© Foto Festival Baden

FESTIVAL LA GACILLY-BADEN PHOTO 2023 ist organized carbon neutral

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2023 is once again dedicated to the relationship between man and the environment.

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2023 entitled ORIENT! stretches through the old town center of Baden, as well as alleys, parks and gardens - with a length of almost 7 kilometers. It is an open-air gallery - for four months: from June 15 to October 15, 2023 (0:00 to 24:00) - with free entrance.

Duration of the festival

15.06.2023 to 15.10.2023 

System Boundaries

The following greenhouse gas emissions were included in the calculation: 

- direct emissions at the event location

- indirect emissions caused by purchased energy 

- indirect emissions resulting from material consumption (e.g.: printed matter)

- indirect emissions from material transport

- indirect emissions from travel to and from the event by photographers and media representatives 

- indirect emissions from overnight stays and catering for photographers and media representatives

- indirect emissions resulting from the waste produced

Carbon Offsetting

The greenhouse gas emissions of 62 tCO2e caused by the event within the above system limits were offset by the purchase and retirement of  Gold Standard Carbon Credits from the Ibanda - Makera Forest Cook Stove Project, Rwanda. 

Carbon Credits Serial Numbers: GS1-1-RW-GS10826-16-2020-23368-18-79 

Project ID: GS10826

Date of Retirement: 18.04.2023 

Certified SDG Impacts:


The following label may be used for the event:

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